June 24, 2010

Quality Tours {Johnny Takes Off!}

Starting this April, I'm bringing it back to my roots. I'll be driving the CupcakeMobile all around the USA to sling t-shirts out of my suitcase and hang out with my customers. I think it will not only be a great way to have personal meet-ups with all of you, but also a nice way to celebrate the humble beginnings of my brand. There will be six suitcase exclusive t-shirts and a few other specials that can only be purchased on my tour. Each stop on the tour will be hosted by various neat businesses that I respect—art galleries, boutiques, bakeries, toy shops, and many others. There will even be some delicious free treats and surprises at most of these stops!

My favorite part about my brand is building a community. Whenever I have an event, release, or opening, many people who share the same passion for this brand come together and meet new best friends and even significant others! It's a pretty magical thing, if you ask me.

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