June 25, 2010

Exploring The Tunes of JaVonne

Danielle: R&B Songwriter & SingerWhen did you realize your calling was music?

-I realized my calling was music around 7 years old. It started out as just something that I was good at that family members loved to show off. Everywhere I went my mother, aunts or grandmother would ask me to sing. However, as I got older it grew with me and became part of me. It became a passion and a tool I wanted to use as a positive image for people.You write your own songs. What inspires your lyrics?-My songs are really personal so nine times out of ten, they come from a direct experience. However, at times I see and here about what others go through and take bits and pieces of their lives and make a song. Sometime they just simply start out as poems.

The last couple of years has seen a swarm of new talent, who among your peer group would you like to work with?

-I am so picky when it comes to people I associate myself with, but if I had to chose someone to make music with it would be Drake. I think I feel almost everything that man speaks! For some "Baby-makin' music" ....it would be my boo Trey Songz, lol. To me, he's like our new R. Kelly. I sing R&B so when I say "Music" I mainly speak of "R&B" and/or "Hip-Hop" and I believe a lot of music has lost its substance. Everyone just wants a hot beat to bump to. So for people who are really saying something on top of that hot beat that eeeeeveryone can relate to (both male and female, high sidties & hood folk) and write their own music, those are the one's I'd like to work with.

There’s been a shift in the way things are done in music, like you can almost bypass the music industry and be successful. Does that make you feel more confident about your career?

-No, I've always been confident in whatever endeavors I've set for myself. But if anything, the fact that there has been a shift in the way things are done in music, it would make me more reluctant to continue to pursue it. There were times where I questioned whether or not I wanted to continue pursuing it for the sake of my music and my image. This all goes back to me saying that I believe music has lost its substance. Simply put, an artist then, isn't an artist now and music then isn't music now. But whatever I want to do, I will do it if God sees fit.

Can you tell me about some of your experiences while working with different producers? What was that like for you?

-As I said, I realized music was my calling around the age of 7 years old, but I didn't start pursuing it until I was 13....and I didn't get into a studio until I was 18 years old. Crazy right? Let's just say, because of my life experiences there were a lot of times where, unfortunately, music had to take the back seat to responsibilities. So it's a growing process for me and something I'm still getting familiar with. But I love working with different people so I can absorb everything. I sing R&B, but I'm influenced by all genres. So it's interesting listening to music that others have produced that has sounds of rock, gospel, soul, etc. I can write to either of those genres. But the downside is sometimes too many people want to add their own twists to things so it can be frustrating/irritating when people want me to sing a certain way.....because it's their music. However, the clashing of ideas is a part of life.

What don’t people know about you that you would like them to know?

-Well...I'm random, I'm growing and I don't like to be put in a box. If I were to put out an album, it would probably consist of songs that sound similar to the genres I mentioned in the last answer to your question. If there's anything else....follow me on Twitter then, lol ;-) @Ms_JaVonne

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